Sunday, March 30, 2014

Matisyahu is 2!

Five weeks early my baby boy decided it was time to come into the world, he saved me a month of pregnancy, came in at almost 6 pounds instead of 9, we went home in two days, and he has been a calm blessing to our intense family.  He is definitely showing his intense, or as I like to call it his Israeli side :) now that he is two.  We have wonderful friends that we don't hang out with too often, so we invited them to meet us at, it is a mini amusement park specifically for toddlers.  Everyone had a blast, great price, not too big, all the kids had a great time.  Matisyahu really enjoyed all of the rides, he went on a train around the park, a ride on a bus that rose high to the sky and looped around a few times, with me and Ziona Sofia on a children's version of the swing ride, super intense, he took it in stride and enjoyed the ride. My favorite is the ride with police cars, fire truck s and ambulance, and the kids sit in the front and drive and the parents sit behind as passengers, so cute!

It was fun to hang with our friends, and notice that we are all trying to gather our kids that want to run into a million directions and are super excited and full of energy, Thank God we are all so blessed.

I love connecting with the women in our community and learning from each other, I feel so blessed to live in a community where learning from each other and constantly learning are a way of life.  I feel that we recharge each other, energy exchange, it's a sisterhood.  I had a meeting tonight about teaching a nutrition class to our Jewish teenage girls, and then an amazing community Yoga class with women I admire and learn from every time.

Surround yourself with good friends,
Surround yourself with people you admire,
Surround yourself with people that inspire you,
Enjoy, spend time, feel present and grateful for your family,
Coach Yulia

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