Wednesday, March 12, 2014



 verb \fə-ˈnā-gəl\
: to get (something) in a clever or dishonest way
: to trick (someone) in order to get something

Sometimes words just pop into my head, and this morning this amazing word described how many of us moms, parents, and business minded people go about a day, some would call it manipulation, but where kids are concerned I would like to borrow the wonderful world in the definition above, CLEVER.

Today my kids went to school dressed in their Purim costumes, we were planning them for so long, and had gone to an event recently where they got their faces painted, it was a simple design, so I took a picture, and did it myself this morning, SO PROUD :)

They had a fun Purim event in school, when I got there my son wasn't so happy about his outfit anymore, finally he told me that he did not like how everybody called him spiderman, I guess being in a costume was an uncomfortable experience once he was in school and nobody called him by his name anymore.  He washed off his facepaint and I had put a change of clothes in his backpack, the rest of the day he was fine.  It made me sad that the whole week he was singing and excited to practice for the show that his class performed, there were just too many people, he wasn't happy being someone other than himself, but that's ok, he knows who he is and he is happy with who he is, lets see if he even wants to dress up for Purim.

My daughter was a star, there was a clown show and she got called up first to help with the performance, and she was smiling and laughing and flowing, enjoying the spotlight, definitely takes after me.

Costumes, schedules, mealtime, homework, bedtime, we really have to finagle all day, give them choices that will lead to the choice we want them to make.  Thank God for fellow moms that are as flexible with their schedules as I am with mine, got to squeeze in speech therapy for my baby right after the Purim event at my kids school.

Getting ready for my night classes,
Kids just got home from school happy,
Baby is taking a late nap,
I have an hour to help tidy up, fold clothes, wash the kids face paint off good,
Better get off this thing,
Coach Yulia

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