Friday, July 17, 2015

I Stand Corrected

All we can do is talk from our own education and experience, it is our outlook, our unique perspective, opinion, and view of the world.  I have had the most positive pregnancy, labor, and birth experiences myself, and also attending births as a Doula.

Here are a few Doula and Midwifery terms:

Watchful Waiting
Pain is Progress
Natural Birth means no drugs at all, no interventions, and vaginal

I was blessed to have a Doula by my side, and had relatively short, manageable labors which started out slow and only got super intense when it was time to give birth.  Everybody is different, and I am grateful for the medical side in case of emergency, suffering, or when intervention is necessary to help labor progress.

Pitocin is used to activate and maintain contractions, and my original stance was that once taken, it is not a natural labor anymore because it makes contractions super intense.  In a natural labor, contractions are gradual, so when taking pitocin I figured why suffer and just get an epidural.  Today I was proven wrong, I supported a strong, amazingly focused woman who after a very long labor was not progressing, and went the rest of the way with just a little pitocin, no epidural, and had a beautiful vaginal delivery.  I stand corrected, as everything else in life, each experience will be unique, there is not one way, there is no perfect way, there is just your way.

What helps is a doctor who is completely on the same page as you.  A Doula or some other support other than family which sometimes cannot be objective, wants to save you or help you, and may bring a different energy than you need in labor and delivery.  With a healthy mom and baby who have taken birth classes and have an idea of the birth they want, there is no need for intervention, the baby and body knows what to do.

Soooooooooooo ready for my Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Today was pajama day at the school of my younger two, my husband sent me this picture while I was pulling an all nighter doing the work I love as a Doula, so blessed to have my husband's support, and love that he remembered it was pajama day

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