Visualization is a tool, it can help in all areas of life. The picture above can make our brain understand what happens during the opening of the cervix, which is only one determinant of progressing labor, there are many more. Some women visualize the baby going down, focus on breathing the baby down, I actually tried this technique today on the toilet! Sorry if it is TMI (too much information,) but once you get pregnant and being poked and prodded, especially during labor and birth, so important to be open and let everything flow down. This is from the HypnoBirthing book, and also the ocean breath in Yoga, when you are about to have a bowel movement, sit down and start this breath instead of pushing and see what happens. You breathe in through the nose calmly, and breathe out through the mouth making a "ha" sounds like the wave of an ocean. After doing this a few times, first take a soft, deep breath in through the nose, but instead of keeping the mouth open, close the mouth and hear the "ha" sound in your throat. This breath is used in Yoga poses to distract the mind from the intensity, because scientifically when we pay attention to our breath, we are not able to think of anything else, we really can only do one thing at a time. Another amazing fact is when your body is relaxed, it cannot produce adrenaline, which tenses the body and stalls the birth process. So back to the toilet, when you sit down start this ocean breath, and see if it helps the "healthy elimination" happen, and maybe for all the of the mommy's to be out there, this can be also used in birth along with positive visualization.
When I teach Pilates, there is a different breath technique, and one of the visualizations I use to help students understand how to take a deep breath in. First put your hands on the small of your back as you take a slow, calm, deep breath in. You should feel it filling up with air, and I suggest to visualize a balloon being filled up with air, your rib cage goes all around, fill it up fully with the incoming breath. Then even when letting your hands go back to a relaxed position, you can visualize them on your back, or feel the feeling of your back opening with your deep breath in.
I always tell my family it is important to see the positive in every situation. Having a vision of the future, of your dreams, goals, and everything you have ever wanted, helps you figure out a way towards an ideal, happy, and meaningful life. We actually feel the best when we give of ourselves, to our work, family, and be of service to the world.
I would love your feedback about your breathing,
My Yoga teacher says, bodily functions should be pleasant,
and if they are not, something is wrong,
Focus on all the good in your life,
and more will keep coming,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia
Babies are born at 'bagels', not 'donuts.' Good to know. I'll never eat either with a straight face ever again.