Sunday, July 26, 2015

Resting and Waiting

This has been an intense weekend of celebrations and today many Jews fast for 25 hours from the night before.  I was looking for an interesting article to share about this day, and found one that also talked about Yoga,

Yoga has made me a calmer person, with better reactions, and physically I am healthy and full of energy.  My Yoga teacher is 83, my inspiration, and an example of what is possible when we approach Yoga scientifically.  We tune up the body, and relax the mind, then we can function at optimal capacity, and in the Jewish world focus on Torah and Mitzvot, instead of sickness and stress.

I met my husband after taking a Yoga class, with unkempt hair and my yoga wear, and thought that if we clicked, I would dress up for him on our second date, and the rest is history.  Then I met the Jewish community and or Rabbi's family, and across the street from our synagogue is a Kundalini Yoga center, where the sikhs wear all white, as well as a white head cover or turban.  For some when they hear yoga they think it is a spiritual path or philosophy, and for some people it may be.  I have always been strongly connected to my Judaism, and loved that my teacher was all about the scientific approach.  In the final resting pose of class, I do not want to tell people what to feel, if they feel something great, it is very personal, it is all about quieting the mind, focusing on the breath, which is human and universal.

I just feel tired, and so today, now, I get to rest, unless my Doula services are needed, so I need to rest for that too.

Going to sleep now,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia

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