Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Sea Always Parts For Me

It Just Does.
Whatever you want to call it.
The Universe.
The Law of Attraction.
I feel it deep down that everything will always turn out OK 100% of the time.

I am blessed to have a few clients for the next few months as a Doula.  I have a full schedule that can be covered and subbed anytime.  Yesterday I was booked solid, and was waiting for my clients call.

8:30am Group Yoga in my home
10:30am Group Pilates 24 Hour Fitness West Hollywood
11:45am Private Yoga
1pm Group Yoga For Kids
Lunch Break
5pm Arasys Client
6pm Group Pilates 24 Hour Fitness Beverly Hills
Quick Dinner
7:45pm Group Prenatal Yoga
9pm Private Group Yoga

For my last class I pick up one of the girls on the way, and we always have to cross a huge intersection with no light.  Always, no fail, when I pull up to that intersection, there are no cars, and I easily drive through, the sea always parts for me, I expect it, I trust it, and it happens.  Why not have the positive view, what is the alternative, worry doesn't help it only lives rent free in your brain.

Once a labor begins doesn't mean it is going to end, when going to the hospital too early, all you will do is wait, I preferred waiting at home, comfortable, eating, resting, spending quality time with my family and husband.  I am still waiting this morning, and in awe that I was able to work all day yesterday, but ready to drop it all and support my client.  Enjoy to really allow birth to be the surprise it should be, due dates mean nothing, only 5% deliver on their due date.  I feel chills and excitement for this true miracle of life, staying patient, and trusting that everything will be just as it should be.

A friend of mine was telling me her birth story, there were some complications, and her doctor had to trust her skill and instinct, get out of her head, and trust herself completely,Thank God everything turned out OK.  My gut has been my guide throughout my life, and now in my classes, I connect with the energy of the group, walk around customizing to each individual.  Each class it is the first time for your body that day, tune into what your body needs today, do you feel full of energy, bring it in, are you a little off? Respect that and go easy.  The goal is to consistently take care of yourself, pick activities you like, have a cheat day, but on a daily basis eat a variety of nutritious meals.  It is really all preventive maintenance for your health.

One woman told me that she hurt her shoulders in a spinning class!  How many times have you started to feel pain somewhere and you had no idea how it could have happened
?  Over time doing something incorrectly, your body gets out of alignment and is prone to injury.

In my Doula experience, I trust my gut completely, I am grateful for the medical side to tell a healthy woman and healthy baby that nothing is wrong, that everything looks fine, but other than that a woman really does know, and will know when its time, my goal as a Doula is for her to connect to that inner truth, confidence, feel empowered, and trust that the baby and body know exactly what to do.

Coach Yulia

I know it will all work out, although for us this will be a huge investment and expense, everybody has talked me out of getting a piano, huge, maintenance, no space.  His teacher found a good quality digital piano for $800, we will figure it out, I know its going to happen, click on the link above and read about my future musical genius :)

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